

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Naturally Cure BV Using Home Remedies - Health

It's not going to be easy once you have symptomatic bacterial vaginosis. This means that you need to live through uncomfortable and often embarrassing symptoms due to BV. Examples of those symptoms include pain and irritation in the vaginal area, burning sensations, discharge and perhaps the most annoying symptom that you can have - foul vaginal odor. These are the reasons why many women are trying to find ways and tips to naturally cure BV using home remedies. Why home remedies, you may ask? It's because some of those natural treatments and remedies are easily accessible and are quite effective, not to mention cheap and free from side-effects.

To naturally cure BV using home remedies, here are some of the tips that you should make use of and remember:

Tea tree oil

When it comes to home remedies, one of the best things to use is tea tree oil. It has provided effective remedy to certain ailments and complications. Using the said oil to alleviate the symptoms of BV and hopefully get rid of that infection all in all is not surprising anymore to a lot of folks. You can put a few drops of tea tree oil in the bath water. Bacterial vaginosis is an imbalance among the bacteria that live in your vagina. Using tea tree oil will help fight off the bad bacteria that has outnumbered the good bacteria in that vagina of yours.

Apple cider vinegar

The approach regarding this particular herbal remedy is quite similar to tea tree oil. All you have to do is to mix a couple of cups of apple cider vinegar with your bath water to naturally cure BV. Soak your whole body especially your vagina in that solution for twenty minutes. Apple cider vinegar has a detoxifying effect that can kill toxins which can cause bacterial vaginosis. This is just one of the many benefits of that type of vinegar. You may have already heard about the other ones.

Folic acid and other nutritional supplements

How about loading up on folic acid? This type of supplement will aid in the treatment of BV and reducing its symptoms. Don't forget to include into your diet some other nutritional supplements as well. Those B vitamin supplements plus vitamins A, C, D and E have certain antioxidants which your vagina needs to overthrow the bad bacteria.


If you want to naturally cure BV using home remedies, then make use of probiotic yogurt. This is because yogurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. bifidus that are helpful in restoring the acidic balance in a woman's private part. You can either eat the yogurt or apply directly into the vagina.

Other ways to naturally cure BV using home remedies include homeopathy, avoiding perfumed products around the vagina and cold compresses.

Although not initially harmful, if left untreated certain conditions which cause a foul odor can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and can even render some women infertile.

To see cast iron, guaranteed solutions, which can naturally cure BV using home remedies within 3 days, please visit this useful site.

Natural treatment for bad vaginal smells can be extremely effective and work better than antibiotics. Best of all, there are no unpleasant side effects!

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