

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Best Acne Treatment - Health - Skin Care

What is the best acne treatment? The answers are as varied as the people suffering from it.

Before a person seeks the best acne treatment, there are some myths about the cause of acne that should be dispelled.

The easiest way to determine the solution is to do a little research. Start by asking friends or family for their remedies. Search the internet for possible solutions. Go to the library, or ask your doctor. There is a wealth of information to be accessed and many possibilities for acne cures. What you will find is that there are 4 broad categories that address acne treatment. They are natural treatment, home made remedies, over-the-counter and medical intervention. Which one you choose is a matter of preference or may depend on the severity and extent of the acne.

Natural remedies may be the preference of many people who would rather not apply chemicals to their skin. Some just believe that chemicals are toxic, or others may have skin sensitivity to the chemicals. Still, there are many routes to choose from. A holistic practitioner will recommend treatment to address acne treatment from a whole body perspective. There are foods such as garlic, or honey, or lemon juice that have natural healing components. A preventative measure that adopts the proper cleansing routine is also beneficial.

Home made remedies can be bazaar in nature, but are said to work. Toothpaste (not gel), shaving cream, antifungal creams, hemorrhoid ointments, dandruff shampoos are just a handful of products that other than doing their assigned job, clear up acne well.

Over-the-counter topical solutions are possibly the easiest of all the treatments. They are designed specifically for getting rid of acne. Go to any drug store and you will see an array of brands, applications, and strengths. However, if you read the label, they all contain one of two ingredients, either Benzolyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. Benzolyl Peroxide works as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Salicylic Acid works by drying the skin and ultimately the acne. Don't be fooled into thinking that if one of these ingredients will work, both will work better. In fact, used together could cause a chemical reaction that could make the acne worse.

Acne can also vary in degrees of severity. Severe acne calls for severe measures. If the acne is just not clearing up, or is developing into cysts, a consultation with a Dermatologist may be warranted. He or she may recommend a prescription oral medication, or topical cream or both. In very severe acne, a chemical peel, or dermabrasion may be called for.

Acne can be particularly frustrating. Barring an underlying medical condition, most cases of acne can be effectively controlled with any acne therapy.. What ever choice you undertakes to deal with acne, be patient with the recovery. Remember, acne is both an infection and an inflammation. Clearing up acne involves a healing process that takes time.

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