

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tips on Video Production or Home Video Taping - Technology

With today's technology is it is great to be able to do video production or home video taping. You can send these videos to relatives and friends. Another option is to post them online in your blog or even sell them to various sites. Below you will find some useful tips on video production or home video taping.

Camera Selection

Make sure to select or purchase a camera that you will be able to use. You'd be surprised at how many people overlook this. They get the camera home and have no clue how to use it and are completely lost with the user manual. Ask the sale's clerk to demonstrate to you how to properly use the equipment. You want a camera with a high number of megapixels and plenty of memory.


Lighting can greatly affect the video production or home video taping. You can set up several lights in the area for indoor shots. Make sure that the light source is behind you to prevent glares and shadowing.

If you are outside, follow the same principle. Make sure that the sun is behind you.


If your sound is too loud, you will pick up a lot of background noise or have buzzing in your video production or home video taping. If the sound is too low, you won't be heard by viewers. Use an external microphone to have the best sound quality.


The majority of cameras have several focus features. If you're a novice, select the auto-focus option to do your video production or home video taping. After you get more comfortable with the camera, you can do the different focus features for your shots.

Actual Production

Once you have taken all the shots for your video production or home video taping, it is vital to have a good program for putting it all together. Select a program that allows you to edit. You will also want a title page, possible captions and even light background music. At the end, put a credit page and any comments. This will help you to remember when you shot the video. If you're selling the video, you will want the credits to let people know you were the author.

Following the above tips should help you to have a great video production or home video taping. Pay attention to details such as lighting, sound and focus features.

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