Many people choose apartment or condominium living because of the high convenience and low maintenance features of renting or owning one of these dwellings. While you may not have the responsibility of major maintenance or yard upkeep, there are some important things that apartment residents should be doing that are often overlooked. Home security is sometimes an afterthought for those whose domain is a high-rise or condominium, but these issues should be taken very seriously.
Even though many apartment complexes and high-rise buildings have the included feature of on-site security or a doorman posted at the entry, residents should not take for granted the safety of their own home or family. Although getting into these buildings might present a bit more of a challenge to criminals, break-ins and burglaries can and do happen. Residents should take steps to protect their own unit by following these tips:
Be sure that the locks to your apartment have been changed when you move in. This will guarantee that you know exactly who holds keys to your residence and lessen the chance of former tenants or owners reentering your home.
If possible, install a deadbolt lock on your main entry door. You may need the permission of the landlord or building manager if your residence is a rental, but the added home security is well worth the effort.
Keep windows locked and sliding glass doors barred, even when your residence is on an upper floor. Fire escapes and balconies are easily scaled by thieves, making it simple for them to gain entry through an open window or unsecured slider.
Keep up a friendly rapport with the neighbors. They are more likely to pay attention if something seems amiss, if you remain cordial with them. If a break-in should occur, they can be your best allies in identifying the criminals.
Install a home security system if you have many valuables or if you live in a high crime area. In a rental, you may have to use a wireless system that can be removed when you vacate the property.
Assuring that your family and valuables are protected is important, whether you live in a single-family dwelling or in a high-rise apartment building. By taking the necessary steps to create a safer environment in your apartment or condominium unit, you decrease the chances of your family becoming victims of crime. Home security should never be taken lightly, no matter where you reside.
Increasing the Effectiveness of Your Home Security System
Home security is a very important issue in a society where crime runs rampant and personal safety could be at risk. Installing a home security system is a great step toward protecting your family and home, but there are a few things that should be done to make your purchase more effective. After investing the money necessary to install a home security system, you will want to be sure that you are receiving the maximum protection from your investment.
Test your alarm system regularly - Performing regular tests of your home security system is extremely important, as you want to be sure that it is functioning properly when it is needed. Frequent tests will allow you to call for maintenance before a small problem becomes a serious safety risk.
Use the stickers and signs provided by the alarm monitoring company - Using the decals and signs that are given to you when you purchase an alarm system can be enough to deter many would-be thieves from even attempting to access your home. If they believe there is a risk of their getting caught, they will often pass up the chance to burglarize your home.
Be sure to turn your alarm system on - It may seem obvious that a home security system will only work when activated, but many homeowners forget or do not bother to turn on their alarms when leaving. Even if you are just running out briefly to run a few errands, a thief can break in and go through your entire home in a matter of minutes.
Continue to physically secure your home - An alarm system alone will not keep people from entering your home, it will simply alert the alarm company that there is an intruder or a problem. Be sure that doors and windows are locked securely to make gaining entry more difficult and increase the chances that the alarm system will work effectively.
A home security system is one of the best investments that you can make for the safety of your family and home; however, it can only be an effective tool against criminals if it is used and maintained properly. By following the tips above, you can help to maximize the effectiveness of your home security system, no matter what type you are using, and allow you family to sleep peacefully and to always return home feeling safe and secure.
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